Academia de Stiinte a Moldovei

General information


Head of the Laboratory: doctor of science VALERIAN DARIE

Scientific potential: 6 research workers, including 1 doctor habilitat,
4 doctor of science

Contacts: Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology of ASM,
Laboratory of Vegetal Protein,
Academiei str., 1; offices. 319, 320, 345, 119
MD 2028, Chisinau
Tel (+373 22) 72-31-68

Scientific direction: Agricultural biotechnologies, soil fertility and food security

The object of the research: Determining the main parameters of efficiency,
fertility and biogenetics of soil in the framework of
cereal fodder crop rotation

Practical importance: proposals of advanced technologies as to the cultivation
of fodder cultures oriented towards stabilization and
reproducing the main parameters of soil fertility

Equipment and methods of research: Thermostat POL-ECO CLN 115 (2006), thermotreatment LDO-030E
(2009), agitator Vortex Heidolph Reax Top (2006),magnetic agitator
MM3M (1975), balance KERN EMB(2006), analytic balance ВЛР-
200 (1982), refrigerator „Indesit” (2007), microscope „Biolar”
(1976), agitator for submersible cultivation (1980),
refrigerator„Indesit” (2007), bactericide lamp UV ОБПе-450 (1981).
Equipment of other institutions: gas chromatograph „Agilent” 6890N coupled with mas-spectrometre „Agilent” 5973 (2005), agricultural machinery and equipment.

Implementation in the agricultural sector: a) cultivation technologies: lucerne for fodder and seeds ; herbage perene graminee for seeds and fodder;
b) fodder and cereals crop rotation, corresponding to ecologic requirements of organic system in agriculture.